Welcome new editor for Jamaica
Thursday, March 10, 2016
IDEA is pleased to welcome a new associate editor, Elizabeth Montoya-Stemann, and three new Jamaican samples from her. See Jamaica 9, 10, and 11.
IDEA is pleased to welcome a new associate editor, Elizabeth Montoya-Stemann, and three new Jamaican samples from her. See Jamaica 9, 10, and 11.
IDEA has just added a 15th sample from the U.S. state of Michigan, a 22-year-old black man from Detroit. It’s courtesy of IDEA contributor Deric McNish.
IDEA has a new country courtesy of Associate Editor Linda Nicholls-Gidley. Please welcome Papua New Guinea and the first sample from that nation, a 31-year-old woman who has…
We’ve just added our third sample from the war-torn nation of Syria. The subject (from IDEA Associate Editor Kris Danford) is a 24-year-old woman who fled her country…
We have our second Saudi Arabian sample in just two days, thanks to IDEA contributor Deric McNish. The subject is an 18-year-old woman.
We’ve just added our seventh sample from Saudi Arabia, a 25-year-old female from Jeddah, courtesy of IDEA contributor Deric McNish.
We’ve just added our 13th French sample to the archive, courtesy of IDEA contributor Alexandra Reynolds. The subject is a 22-year-old female from Lyon who has also lived…
We’ve just added our fourth sample from the South American nation of Colombia, courtesy of IDEA contributor Sara Valentine.
Listen to actor David Tennant discuss accents on the British TV show Room 101. Click here. (The discussion starts at the 18-minute mark, but forward to the 21:30…
IDEA has just posted two new German samples (Germany 19 and 20), courtesy of Senior Editor David Nevell and his students. Though the subjects are from similar areas…