Received Pronunciation
These recordings of Comma Gets a Cure were all made by trained speech teachers who teach some variety of Received Pronunciation (RP) speech, or Standard British English, for the stage. They will be useful to those interested in learning what various British speech professionals recommend. If you are an RP-speaking voice-and-speech professional and care to submit your own recording, please email us your mp3 and bio.
For instructional materials or coaching in the accents and dialects represented here, please go to Other Dialect Services. We also invite you to listen to this podcast with IDEA Founder and Director Paul Meier and renowned linguist David Crystal.
Received Pronunciation 1 Helen Ashton
Received Pronunciation 2 Hilary Jones
Received Pronunciation 3 Paul Meier
Received Pronunciation 4 Marina Tyndall
Received Pronunciation 5 Elizabeth Suzuma
Please keep in mind that this page contains recordings by trained speech teachers only and does not represent the entire collection of this dialect on IDEA. Indeed, IDEA contains several more examples of subjects whose speech could be categorized as Received Pronunciation or Standard British. For more examples of that dialect, we suggest visiting the main England page and/or entering “Received Pronunciation” or “Standard British” in the search function. And visit Wikipedia for more information.
For your convenience, five of the best examples of Received Pronunciation from the England page are referenced below:
England 1 male, 50s, 1942, white, central and southern England
England 2 female, 20s, 1978, white
England 7 male, white
England 63 female, 1954, white, Surrey (and abroad)
England 64 female, 20, 1987, white, Bury (Manchester) and Germany