
Listen to people from Spain speak English in their native accent and, in some instances, Spanish in their native dialect. Please select a sample from the list below. (Also see Uruguay 1.)

Spain 1  female, 24, 1976, Caucasian/Spanish, Seville (& United States)
Spain 2  female, 24, 1976, Caucasian/Spanish, Seville
Spain 3  female, 44, 1957, Caucasian/Spanish, Seville
Spain 4  female, 29, 1973, Caucasian/Spanish, San Sebastián (northern coast)
Spain 5  female, 30s, 1967, Caucasian/Spanish, Lleida (near Barcelona)
Spain 6  male, 27, 1978, Caucasian/Spanish, Murcia (southeast Spain)
Spain 7  female, 28, 1978, Caucasian/Catalan/German, Barcelona
Spain 8  male, 29, 1988, Caucasian/Spanish, Menorca
Spain 9  male, 23, 1994, Caucasian Hispanic/Castilian, Madrid

For more information on the Spanish language, we suggest listening to the March 2020 edition of the In a Manner of Speaking podcast, featuring IDEA Associate Editor Micha Espinosa and IDEA Founder Paul Meier. And for more information on Spain, visit Wikipedia. Also see Germany 9.

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