Support IDEA
IDEA has been a free resource since 1998, and we pledge to keep it that way. We greatly appreciate your support, but, unfortunately, the respect and appreciation of everyone who uses this archive are not enough. If you have found the site useful, and many users tell us that they have accessed it hundreds of times, please spread the word. For instance, please consider placing a link to us on your own website. The URL is Or follow us on Facebook and X (Twitter).
Even better, if you would like to support IDEA through a monetary donation, please click the “donate” button found at the top and bottom of this page. No amount is too small, and every little bit helps. Although IDEA is neither a charity nor a non-profit organization (and donations are not tax-deductible), we do rely on your contributions to keep the archive going. In addition, our editors contribute on a volunteer basis only, receiving no financial remuneration for their considerable efforts. We must rely on our own funding, our limited number of topic-appropriate sponsors, and your donations to pay our bills, which include web hosting, e-mail hosting, memberships to proprietary plug-ins, general maintenance, graphic design, and domain registration. (Please note: If you donate, the charge will appear as “Paul Meier Dialect Services, LC,” IDEA’s parent company.)
To learn about sponsoring IDEA, please visit our Sponsor IDEA page.
Many thanks for your support.
Paul Meier, IDEA founder and director