Welcome our 11th London sample

We’ve just added our 11th sample from London. It’s the 101st sample from England overall. The subject is a 59-year-old white female who grew up in west London but has also lived in the United States for many years. The sample is courtesy of IDEA contributor Scott Stackhouse.

4 Comments on “Welcome our 11th London sample

  1. This is a great site. I have used it to nail down a New York accent for a play. Now, soon to host a Robbie Burns evening I am working on my Scottish Accent. My grandparents had very strong Scottish accents so this one comes fairly naturally to me. They were from Kircaldy. Most of the readers seem to be younger people. Would I be correct in feeling that the older people had stronger accents?

  2. Susan, that’s a pretty big generalization. The strength of a dialect usually comes down to more than age. Factors such as the subject’s isolation, influences and parents’ dialects often come into play. In general, however, many strong regional dialects have indeed faded over time thanks to globalization, travel, exposure to media, etc. My own observations tell me that, yes, more of IDEA’s stronger regional accents belong to older subjects, rather than younger.

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