New Arkansas subject addresses racial inequality

Please welcome Arkansas 36, a 39-year-old Black man from Warren, Arkansas. While most IDEA subjects read a scripted passage (either Comma Gets a Cure or, in the case of our earliest subjects, The Rainbow Passage) and then offer some unscripted speech, this subject, Dr. RL Booker, reads Comma Gets a Cure and then his own composition.

Dr. Booker and IDEA Senior Editor Ben Corbett, who recorded Dr. Booker, requested this format change, and we were happy to oblige. The composition, Am I Next?, addresses racial inequality in the United States.

2 Comments on “New Arkansas subject addresses racial inequality

  1. So, you should probably do some Mexican Americans born in Texas or the West I currently living in North Carolina “, Tennessee, Arkansas or Mississippi.

  2. Thanks for your post. We do have several Mexican-American subjects, but we are always looking for more. If you take a look at Texas (, you will see three subjects with a Hispanic/Latino/Mexican background, including Texas 11, who lived in Mexico. Please also keep in mind that several subjects listed under Mexico ( have also spent time in the United States and consider themselves Mexican-American.

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